
Wizja strategii dla miasta Bielska-Białej

Vision of the strategy for the city of Bielsko-...

The text below is the first part of a synthetic study describing the identity of the city of Bielsko-Biała. It was established in 2021. In a further part, unpublished here,...

Vision of the strategy for the city of Bielsko-...

The text below is the first part of a synthetic study describing the identity of the city of Bielsko-Biała. It was established in 2021. In a further part, unpublished here,...

Design jako najlepsza odpowiedź na sytuacje kryzysowe 2

Design as the best response to crisis situations 2

Inflation, energy crisis, disruption of global chains supply and climate change are just some of the factors that in the near future they will negatively impact the functioning of enterprises and society...

Design as the best response to crisis situations 2

Inflation, energy crisis, disruption of global chains supply and climate change are just some of the factors that in the near future they will negatively impact the functioning of enterprises and society...

W mieście nadzieja?

Hope in the city?

Until recently, many social scientists repeated that in 2050 up to 75% of the world's population will live in cities. The emergence of the pandemic caused some people to verify...

Hope in the city?

Until recently, many social scientists repeated that in 2050 up to 75% of the world's population will live in cities. The emergence of the pandemic caused some people to verify...

Rola projektantów komunikacji wizualnej w procesie projektowania dla miast i ich społeczności.

The role of visual communication designers in t...

In this year's edition of the Arting project, the organizers encourage you to focus on broadly understood design for cities. The article describes how visual communication designers can participate in...

The role of visual communication designers in t...

In this year's edition of the Arting project, the organizers encourage you to focus on broadly understood design for cities. The article describes how visual communication designers can participate in...

Projekt 11.11. - projektowanie wspólne dla rewitalizacji ul.11 Listopada w Bielsku-Białej

11/11 project. - joint design for the revitaliz...

Collaborative design 11/11 project. – is a design experiment involving the application of design methodology to the cooperation of the local community in formulating and implementing a common goal. The...

11/11 project. - joint design for the revitaliz...

Collaborative design 11/11 project. – is a design experiment involving the application of design methodology to the cooperation of the local community in formulating and implementing a common goal. The...

Krótka Historia Studia Filmów Rysunkowych – 75 lat minęło

A Short History of the Cartoon Film Studio - 75...

The Cartoon Film Studio was established in 1947 in Katowice as the Experimental Studio of Cartoon Films under the management of Zdzisław Lachur. The co-founders were: Władysław Nehrebecki, Maciej Lachur,...

A Short History of the Cartoon Film Studio - 75...

The Cartoon Film Studio was established in 1947 in Katowice as the Experimental Studio of Cartoon Films under the management of Zdzisław Lachur. The co-founders were: Władysław Nehrebecki, Maciej Lachur,...

projekty w miasto

projects in the city

Ladies and Gentlemen! It is a great satisfaction that the Arting Project has its roots and has been taking place in Bielsko-Biała for almost thirty years. Today, few people probably...

projects in the city

Ladies and Gentlemen! It is a great satisfaction that the Arting Project has its roots and has been taking place in Bielsko-Biała for almost thirty years. Today, few people probably...

Przemysł mebli giętych pod Beskidami – Piotr Kenig

The bentwood furniture industry near the Beskid...

Few industries were as closely connected with ancient Austria as the production of bent wood furniture, which was commonly called "Viennese furniture" around the world. Cieszyn Silesia and the neighboring...

The bentwood furniture industry near the Beskid...

Few industries were as closely connected with ancient Austria as the production of bent wood furniture, which was commonly called "Viennese furniture" around the world. Cieszyn Silesia and the neighboring...

Auta – Zbigniew Michniowski

Cars – Zbigniew Michniowski

For a very long time, since the 19th century, Bielsko has been an economic leader on the map of Europe. It was here that one of the first waterworks in...

Cars – Zbigniew Michniowski

For a very long time, since the 19th century, Bielsko has been an economic leader on the map of Europe. It was here that one of the first waterworks in...

Czy design może zmienić oblicze wełny?

Can design change the face of wool?

Wool is a material deeply rooted in Polish culture. In the first half of the 20th century, woolen products were produced on a mass scale in two main textile centers...

Can design change the face of wool?

Wool is a material deeply rooted in Polish culture. In the first half of the 20th century, woolen products were produced on a mass scale in two main textile centers...

O zachowaniu dziedzictwa – Bogdan Kosak

On preserving heritage – Bogdan Kosak

Craftsmanship is built on heritage and strives for excellence. Any attempts to use crafts to achieve external goals, ideas and programs disturb this balance and cause losses in the intangible...

On preserving heritage – Bogdan Kosak

Craftsmanship is built on heritage and strives for excellence. Any attempts to use crafts to achieve external goals, ideas and programs disturb this balance and cause losses in the intangible...

Szybowce – Zbigniew Michniowski

Gliders – Zbigniew Michniowski

The history of dreams of flying like birds dates back to ancient times, and the most famous example of this is the myth of Daedalus and Icarus. In the 12th...

Gliders – Zbigniew Michniowski

The history of dreams of flying like birds dates back to ancient times, and the most famous example of this is the myth of Daedalus and Icarus. In the 12th...

Z historii „bielskiej wełny” – Piotr Kenig

From the history of "Bielska wool" - Piotr Kenig

Bielsko-Biała is a city with 175,000 inhabitants in southern Poland at the foot of the Beskid Mountains, on the Biała River, which for centuries separated historic Silesia from Lesser Poland....

From the history of "Bielska wool" - Piotr Kenig

Bielsko-Biała is a city with 175,000 inhabitants in southern Poland at the foot of the Beskid Mountains, on the Biała River, which for centuries separated historic Silesia from Lesser Poland....

Depozytariusze dziedzictwa kulturowego na trójstyku w Mikroregionie Gorolsko Swoboda

Depositories of cultural heritage at the tripoi...

Regional brand "Górolsko Swoboda product regionalny®" - quality and tradition from the Gorolsko Swoboda Microregion. The Gorolsko Swoboda microregion was established in May 2007 by two non-governmental organizations from the...

Depositories of cultural heritage at the tripoi...

Regional brand "Górolsko Swoboda product regionalny®" - quality and tradition from the Gorolsko Swoboda Microregion. The Gorolsko Swoboda microregion was established in May 2007 by two non-governmental organizations from the...

Prehistoryczne dziedzictwo Beskidu Zachodniego – Bogusław Chorąży

Prehistoric heritage of the Western Beskids – B...

Man and the Beskids - this relationship dates back to deep prehistory. It was never easy - the mountains were always a communication barrier, it was also difficult to survive...

Prehistoric heritage of the Western Beskids – B...

Man and the Beskids - this relationship dates back to deep prehistory. It was never easy - the mountains were always a communication barrier, it was also difficult to survive...

Wełna eksperyment – program studentów WFP ASP w Krakowie

Wool experiment – ​​program of WFP students of ...

As in previous editions, this time we were invited to publish as part of the ARTING program. Representing the Faculty of Industrial Design, we are happy about this opportunity, especially...

Wool experiment – ​​program of WFP students of ...

As in previous editions, this time we were invited to publish as part of the ARTING program. Representing the Faculty of Industrial Design, we are happy about this opportunity, especially...

Formuła zrównoważonego rozwoju - Zbigniew Michniowski

Sustainability formula

Recent decades have made us realize that the territorial and raw material resources of our globe are limited. The development of civilization leads to significant environmental degradation and climate disturbances,...

Sustainability formula

Recent decades have made us realize that the territorial and raw material resources of our globe are limited. The development of civilization leads to significant environmental degradation and climate disturbances,...

Od zrównoważonego rozwoju po projektowanie i entuzjazm tworzenia, który jest robotom obcy

From sustainable development to design and the ...

If we look at these words systematically, we need to determine what they mean individually and what they mean together. And not only in the historical, contemporary, but above all...

From sustainable development to design and the ...

If we look at these words systematically, we need to determine what they mean individually and what they mean together. And not only in the historical, contemporary, but above all...

Anna Szwaja - Projektowanie zrównoważone

Alternative balance

The 2017 edition of the Arting Project focuses on the slogan balance. This concept, indicating solutions that improve the functioning of man and his environment in accordance with the principles...

Alternative balance

The 2017 edition of the Arting Project focuses on the slogan balance. This concept, indicating solutions that improve the functioning of man and his environment in accordance with the principles...

Wiedza, umiejętności, postawy - edukacja projektantów dla zrównoważonego rozwoju

Knowledge, skills, attitudes - education of des...

The growing complexity of the relationship between limited natural resources and social and economic functioning, including the interdependence of the consumer society and areas of poverty in the Third World,...

Knowledge, skills, attitudes - education of des...

The growing complexity of the relationship between limited natural resources and social and economic functioning, including the interdependence of the consumer society and areas of poverty in the Third World,...


The Arting Project 2015 industrial design competition "The Place We Live In" was the second edition organized by the People-Innowacje-Design Foundation together with the Bielsko-Biała City Hall. Thus, a tradition...


The Arting Project 2015 industrial design competition "The Place We Live In" was the second edition organized by the People-Innowacje-Design Foundation together with the Bielsko-Biała City Hall. Thus, a tradition...