
The Arting Project 2015 industrial design competition "The Place We Live In" was the second edition organized by the People-Innowacje-Design Foundation together with the Bielsko-Biała City Hall. Thus, a tradition of over 20 years was continued. The patron of the competition was the Mayor of Bielsko-Biała, Jacek Krywult.

The topic of the competition touched on the issues of sustainable design and this area turned out to be interesting for over sixty designers who submitted their individual or group projects.

The projects submitted to the Projekt Arting 2015 industrial design competition "The Place We Live In" were assessed by the Jury at the meeting held on November 13, 2015 at Design Bank in Bielsko-Biała.

The jury consisted of: Chairman of the Jury Zbigniew Michniowski (design designer), prof. Ph.D. Jerzy Ginalsk - WFP ASP Kraków (design designer), Ph.D. Andzrzej Sobaś - WP ASP Katowice (design designer), Krzysztof Gieleciak - representative of the Bielsko-Biała City Hall (design designer), Jacek Graś - representative of the People-Innowacje-Design Foundation (design designer).

According to the regulations, the subject of the competition were projects in the field of industrial design, including solutions that improve the functioning of humans and their environment in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and energy conservation.

The aim of the competition was to build awareness of the role of industrial design in sustainable development by creating innovative design solutions and disseminating the concept of energy as a common good and the principles of energy management.

When assessing the projects, the Jury used the criteria formulated in the competition regulations: (1) innovation and originality, (2) optimal combination of functionality, ergonomic, aesthetic and ecological values, (3) optimization of energy and material consumption in the production phase, product operation and the possibility of its recycling after a period of wear, (4) the form of presentation, its transparency and consistency.

64 projects were submitted to the competition. The jury was pleased to find the great interest in the competition expressed in the number of works, as a good proof of the designers' involvement in issues that are important to the general public. It also noted the high level of the projects. At the same time, it raised a reservation about the fact that the projects did not meet all the evaluation criteria at the same time. After discussion, the Jury decided to award three statutory prizes and three distinctions. It also selected projects that will be shown in a series of post-competition exhibitions. It was decided to honor the authors of selected works with the name "Laur Arting".

The first Arting Award in the amount of PLN 6,000, funded by the Mayor of Bielsko-Biała, Jacek Krywult, was awarded to Adam Buczek and Maciej Nowicki for the "Energometer" project. The jury awarded the prize for the technical, functional and ergonomic use of recreational exercises for energy recovery and drew attention to the aesthetic values.

The second Arting Award in the amount of PLN 4,000, funded by Euroregion Beskidy, was awarded to Konrad Szmit for the "Control" project. The jury awarded the prize for striving to use energy consciously by monitoring its consumption systematically
approach to energy management in the facility as well as for its well-designed form.

The third Arting Award in the amount of PLN 2,000, funded by the Beskid Council of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations NOT and the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians, Branch in Bielsko-Biała, was awarded to Julia Owczarczak for the "Coat Wall" project. The jury awarded the prize for the idea of ​​a thermal insulating material enabling ventilation and air filtration, stating at the same time that this idea is a challenge for materials engineering.

The Arting distinction in the amount of PLN 1,000, funded by Skoff, was awarded to Nina Woroniecka for the "Nomada" project. The jury awarded the prize for a design solution in line with the spirit of minimalism

The Arting distinction in the amount of PLN 1,000, funded by the Association of Polish Electricians, branch in Bielsko-Biała, was awarded to Karol Murlak for "Everydrop". The jury awarded the prize for the idea of ​​saving water.

The Arting distinction in the amount of PLN 1,000, funded by the People-Innowacje-Design Foundation, was awarded to Joanna Jurga for the "Nurn" project. The jury awarded the prize for courageously tackling a controversial topic.

Honorary Laurel Arting titles were awarded to: Wojciech Biegus for the "Koziel" project, Sebastaian Chojkowski for the "Dió" project, Janek Dowgiałło, Weronika Siwiec, Anka Zawadzka for the "Budujemy dom" project, Magdalena Filipiak, Iwona Zielińska for the "Re-ctcher" project, Agata Hoffa, Radosław Rejsel, Joanna Żaboklicka for the project "Smile", Dominika Lizurej for the project "Biodegradable material", Walentyn Luzan for the project "Airplane Concept 2030", Anna Łyszcz, Magdalena Rychard, Maja Szczypek for the project "MAM Airbag", Magdalena Paleczna for the "Qbik" project, Arek Mayer-Gawron for the "Vacuum Cleaner" project, Natalia Mroszczyk for the "Airfly" project, Iga Paszek, Anna Tomik for the "Water mind" project, Anna Piękoś, Łukasz Pisarek for the "Autonomous public transport system" project, Martyna Puchała for the "Lightapp" project, Anna Samek for the "Take Me With You" project, Barbara Stelmachowska for the "Kuchnia Zero" project, Maja Szczypek for the "Hapy eggs" project, Dominika Wysogląd for the "Orange Lab" project, Magdalena Zadara for the "Orange Lab" project "Floroform".

The jury thanks all the authors of the submitted projects for their work. The designs were published in the catalog and on the competition website projektarting.pl .

Jury project arting 2015

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