projekt arting 2024 "city__happy"

Once again, the competition inspires us to look at cities with their needs and challenges. In the previous edition, questions were asked about the place where we live, its space, infrastructure, inhabitants. And the questions were directed to designers striving in their ideas for a balance between the matter and the soul of the city. This edition continues this thread, but this time the point of reference has become the slogan: miasto_częście. "[...] We have more and more design tools, heuristic methods, skills for examining needs, allowing for better design of solutions. However, we still feel a discrepancy between theories and life, so it is good that we are starting discussions and debates on ways to make the city, if not happy, then at least a good enough place to live [...]" (Dr. Lubomira Trojan, a cultural anthropologist associated with the WSB Academy, is responsible for the program of the miasto_częście conference).

Arting Project 2024
The competition projects were to answer questions regarding broadly understood urban issues, and the proposed solutions were to take into account the principles of sustainable development and energy conservation. Works could be submitted in the following categories: product, communication, concepts, Bielsko-Biała (projects related to the region), challenge (design solutions for specific topics submitted
by companies or institutions of the region). 38 projects were submitted and assessed by the jury composed of: Krzysztof Gieleciak, Jacek Graś, Marek Liskiewicz, Grzegorz Matusik, Zbigniew Michniowski, Andrzej Sobaś
(chairman). The main prize was awarded to Renata Demczuk. Other winners were: Daniel Sikorski and Paweł Odrowąż-Sypniewski (category: product); Karolina Sielski (category: challenge);
Łukasz Kosowski and Magdalena Sutor (category: challenge), and honorable mentions went to Małgorzata Danowska and Karolina Kubala.

A conference has been planned to be prepared in relation to the theme of the edition. Its participants will discuss what influences our sense of well-being and positive perception of the place where we live, study and work; what local policies we need and what the indicators of happiness in cities, the so-called Happy Cities Index, show. The following exhibitions will also be shown: "Projekt Arting – 30 lat i "wzornictwo_dziedzictwo" and an exhibition on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Industrial Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, where you will be able to see, among others, designs for the Bielsko factory.
small-capacity cars. This edition of "Arting" is also associated with the continuation of the "11.11 project" experiment and activities initiated in BB_Design Lab, as part of: the "city_accessible" project, the "city_beautiful" project, the "design_heritage" project, the "city_creative" project.