Krótka Historia Studia Filmów Rysunkowych – 75 lat minęło

A Short History of the Cartoon Film Studio - 75 years have passed

The Cartoon Film Studio was established in 1947 in Katowice as the Experimental Studio of Cartoon Films under the management of Zdzisław Lachur. The co-founders were: Władysław Nehrebecki, Maciej Lachur, Leszek Lorek, Alfred Ledwig, Mieczysław Poznański, Aleksander Rohoziński, Wiktor Sakowicz, Rufin Struzik and Wacław Wajser. In 1948, the band moved to Wisła, and then, permanently, to Bielsko. In the same year - 1948, the Studio's first film was made - "Was It a Dream?" directed by Zdzisław Lachur.

During the 75 years of activity of the Cartoon Film Studio, over
1000 short films as well as several full-length films.

Most of the Studio's productions are cult films for children, including: series like
"Bolek i Lolek", "Reksio", "Baltazar Gąbka" and "Pampalini the Animal Hunter". However, the Studio also produced many original films addressed to adult viewers, which won awards all over the world.

The Cartoon Film Studio has won over 250 prestigious awards and distinctions for its film productions.

Many outstanding artists worked on studio projects, including: Andrzej
Czeczot, Jerzy Flisak, Adam Kilian, Zbigniew Lengren, Eryk Lipiński, Olga Siemaszko, Janusz Stanny. The studio's musical setting was also provided by outstanding composers, including: Krzysztof Komeda-Trzciński, Andrzej Korzyński, Waldemar Kazanecki, Krzysztof Penderecki, Grażyna Bacewiczówna and Jerzy Wasowski.

On December 18, 2015, the Cartoon Film Studio became a state institution
culture, and thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and Heritage
National competition for the design of the Interactive Fairy Tale Center was announced
and Animation at the Cartoon Film Studio.

In 2021, Director Maciej Chmiel joined the Cartoon Film Studio
– a long-time film and television producer, art historian and animation enthusiast who reintroduced the creative process and started the construction of the Interactive Fairy Tale and Animation Center – OKO.

Currently, the Studio is developing projects for several animated series for children and a feature-length film with a historical tone.

history of the Bielsko-Biała cartoon studio

In photos:
- visualization of the new building
- Director of the Cartoon Film Studio Maciej Chmiel
- old mural at the cinema

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