About the action
We have been implementing the 11.11 project since spring 2022, it is a design experiment involving the search for solutions that will enliven 11 Listopada Street in Bielsko-Biała. We are working on the occasion of the sustainable design competition Projekt Arting 2022 city?.
In spring and summer, we collected information from entrepreneurs and residents associated with 11 Listopada Street, as well as other residents of Bielsko, about problems affecting the promenade and ideas on how to solve these problems.
The collected information is clearly divided into several most important categories. There is a lack of new, interesting premises, and as a result, the rents are inadequate to the quality of the premises and do not encourage new tenants. There is a lack of greenery and comfortable, really necessary infrastructure. There is a lack of places with public art and opportunities for creative activities. Despite renovations, the aesthetics of the street is disturbed by the multitude of signs of different styles and not always good design and technical preparation.
As part of the activities of the newly established BB Design Lab, we will coordinate further activities aimed at improving the quality of the street, and we are also looking for people willing to implement these activities with us. We will continue to collect information about life in the city and connect people willing to act. With the continuation of the 11/11 Project. We are counting on the initiative of Bielsko residents and local entrepreneurs to implement the activities proposed in the first two stages.

projektowanie społeczne 11.11
Projekt 11.11. – to eksperyment projektowy polegający na zastosowaniu metodyki projektowania do współpracy społeczności lokalnej przy formułowaniu i realizacji wspólnego celu.