
Innovation – a priority of the European Union's...

We are bombarded with an avalanche of advertisements! Producers and traders want to sell everything that can bring profit as quickly as possible. Special techniques of attracting and deceiving the...

Innovation – a priority of the European Union's...

We are bombarded with an avalanche of advertisements! Producers and traders want to sell everything that can bring profit as quickly as possible. Special techniques of attracting and deceiving the...

W stronę zdrowego rozsądku. Pracowania projektowania alternatywnego

Towards common sense

Nowadays, ecological and social problems resulting from ongoing globalization and the uncontrolled development of civilization and excessive consumption have forced us to pay more attention to the role of designers...

Towards common sense

Nowadays, ecological and social problems resulting from ongoing globalization and the uncontrolled development of civilization and excessive consumption have forced us to pay more attention to the role of designers...

Designer - humanist

"The Republic of Poland [...] ensures environmental protection, guided by the principle of sustainable development." fragment of Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland How many Poles...

Designer - humanist

"The Republic of Poland [...] ensures environmental protection, guided by the principle of sustainable development." fragment of Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland How many Poles...

Znaczenie ekologicznych kryteriów designu

The importance of ecological design criteria

Let's look at the entire product life cycle, from its creation to disposal. Various participants take part in it: a design designer, a representative of the business world, i.e. the...

The importance of ecological design criteria

Let's look at the entire product life cycle, from its creation to disposal. Various participants take part in it: a design designer, a representative of the business world, i.e. the...

Finding balance

The modern world needs balance. Recent decades have brought very intensive development of industrial production, extremely rapid technological progress, and dynamic demographic growth. Over the course of two hundred years,...

Finding balance

The modern world needs balance. Recent decades have brought very intensive development of industrial production, extremely rapid technological progress, and dynamic demographic growth. Over the course of two hundred years,...

The Place We Live in, Arting Project 2015

The postulate of intergenerational equality defined in the late 1980s is still valid: "at the current level of civilization, sustainable development is possible, i.e. development in which the needs of...

The Place We Live in, Arting Project 2015

The postulate of intergenerational equality defined in the late 1980s is still valid: "at the current level of civilization, sustainable development is possible, i.e. development in which the needs of...

Energy Tomorrow, Arting Project 2013

While still a student, initially with disbelief, I assumed that every thing can be defined by three parameters: matter, energy, and information. Now I am convinced that it is worth...

Energy Tomorrow, Arting Project 2013

While still a student, initially with disbelief, I assumed that every thing can be defined by three parameters: matter, energy, and information. Now I am convinced that it is worth...

Projekty Konkursowe Projekt Arting 2013

Competition Projects

The projects submitted to the competition fulfilled the aim of the competition, which was to use the potential of industrial design to solve energy problems by creating innovative design projects...

Competition Projects

The projects submitted to the competition fulfilled the aim of the competition, which was to use the potential of industrial design to solve energy problems by creating innovative design projects...

Innovative technologies

There is no strict definition of innovation in technology, just like in any other field of technology. Intuition suggests that the concept of innovation may be associated with the evolutionary...

Innovative technologies

There is no strict definition of innovation in technology, just like in any other field of technology. Intuition suggests that the concept of innovation may be associated with the evolutionary...

Design is about respecting energy

Prudent design for sustainable development and environmental protection is today one of the most important tasks of an industrial designer. The Earth's population is constantly increasing, unlike its resources, which...

Design is about respecting energy

Prudent design for sustainable development and environmental protection is today one of the most important tasks of an industrial designer. The Earth's population is constantly increasing, unlike its resources, which...