Innovation – a priority of the European Union's economic policy.

Zbigniew Michniowski

We are bombarded with an avalanche of advertisements! Producers and traders want to sell everything that can bring profit as quickly as possible. Special techniques of attracting and deceiving the customer are able to convince most of us that we need to buy a new toothbrush, a watch, a computer, the best new sausages and kabanos sausages, even washing powder and cars that are close to perfection. While expensive goods, which usually reach a sophisticated recipient, most often surprise with new functional and aesthetic solutions, sometimes arousing snobbish emotions of buyers, everyday goods are dominated by bluffs that lure us with the promise of happiness if we spend a few dozen or a few hundred zlotys more or if we pay a few zlotys for a new item. less.

You can get lost in all this, and the easiest way is to buy a new one and be convinced in front of your friends, family and yourself that you made the right choice and that you need to get rid of your existing equipment.

The classic already predicted that " ...people believe deeply, feeling and faith speak to me more than a wise man's glass and eye ." The reflections of this statement concern not only the problem of shopping, but also politics.

There are extreme statements in the community: " I can't afford such expensive things" to "I can't afford to buy cheap products! "The latter is usually said by those who mainly take into account the durability of products and their technical and technical quality

Society is losing its sense of values! In the era of competitiveness among manufacturers, the winners are usually those who focus on mass production supported by powerful advertising.

How to convince people to start calculating not only in terms of low price and the opinions of a few fake consumers who confirm their satisfaction with the purchase in advertising?

More and more often we hear about some brilliant invention that opens up new opportunities for manufacturers. These are milestones in technological and commercial creation that break through to the market thanks to a group of inventors and enthusiasts who are able to learn about the advantages of a product that provides a new quality in work, entertainment and recreation.

In order for us to develop as a country, we need a competitive economy, products competitive to foreign goods, i.e. inventiveness and a high level of technology here in Poland and not abroad. Meanwhile, the rule that "10 deco of trade is better than a kilo of work" still applies, so we don't need many Polish "educated" people. A manufacturer's brand and credibility take years to build, but in our economy and politics, no one holds anyone accountable for the FUTURE! What is important is here and now. At all costs! Recent weeks have brought bad news about how hypocritical information about the quality of products was, as long as the company functioned as best as possible on the market. Does this promotion policy apply only to the most famous brands?

We must be more and more able to distinguish between good and worse things, those that are more useful and those that are not necessarily needed immediately. This is the only way the market will verify reliable producers who create new values ​​in a competitive market.

The European Union, striving for economic strengthening, focuses on innovation, energy efficiency and social development. Our Arting Competition fits well into these criteria, the aim of which is to create products for the industry with a large scale of utility, minimizing energy demand in the production and operation phase. Not without significance are ergonomic and aesthetic aspects, which often determine the buyer's interest in the product.

We should take into account that the requirement for energy efficiency will be increasingly emphasized, which will limit the destructive impact on the environment and the atmosphere. This is a necessity that we all face and will mainly concern designers and producers bound by such assumptions. We are surprised to see such a dramatically low use of funds for innovation in our country. Maybe the ARTING competition , as intended, will bring offers of products that reduce production and operating costs, after which the products will be eligible for recycling without polluting the environment? We are waiting for the idea of ​​a "product of the future" that will enable us to use funds for innovation. This should encourage cooperation between designers and producers.

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