Projekt Arting 2015 "miejsce w którym żyjemy"
A vacuum cleaner for a carpenter
A vacuum cleaner for a carpenter
arting distinction
Design of an industrial vacuum cleaner for a carpenter. It is a combination of a central and mobile unit with a briquetting press. The mobile unit is the main suction system for the entire central unit. After removing it from the base, it can be used as a regular vacuum cleaner when working at a customer's place. Ensures basic activities when performing an order outside the workshop. The central unit combining the function of a briquetting machine is a convenient solution when it comes to the problem of collecting sawdust and emptying the bag. It contains a drawer where briquettes are collected, which are created after the briquetting function is turned on. We can connect three machines with suction pipes to this unit.
Arkadiusz Mayer-Gawron