Winners of the Arting Project 2017
jury statement / porota zpráva
The projects submitted to the Projekt Arting 2017 industrial design competition "Równowa" were assessed by the jury at the meeting held on February 16, 2018 at Design Bank in Bielsko-Biała.
The jury consisted of: Doc.Ing. Bohumil Horák, Ph.D. – VŠB-TU Ostrava, Ph.D. Andrzej Sobaś – WP Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Ph.D. Marek Liskiewicz – WFP ASP Kraków, Krzysztof Gieleciak – Bielsko-Biała City Hall, Jacek Graś – FLID Bielsko-Biała.
According to the regulations, the subject of the competition were projects in the field of industrial design, including solutions that improve the functioning of humans and their environment in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and energy conservation. The aim of the competition was to build awareness of the role of industrial design in sustainable development by creating innovative design solutions and disseminating the concept of energy as a common good and the principles of energy management. When assessing the projects, the Jury used the criteria formulated in the competition regulations: (1) innovation and originality, (2) optimal combination of functionality, ergonomic, aesthetic and ecological values, (3) optimization of energy and material consumption in the production phase, product operation and the possibility of its recycling after a period of wear, (4) the form of presentation, its transparency and consistency.
The jury assessed 62 projects submitted to the competition and was satisfied with their high substantive level. The main prize was awarded, along with prizes for the best works in the following categories: technology, environment, education, and distinctions.
The Arting Main Prize in the amount of PLN 10,000, funded by the Mayor of Bielsko-Biała, Jacek Krywult, was awarded to Patryk Kurczab for the WALLTEK project - an innovative device for building in 3D technology.
The Arting Award in the Technology category in the amount of PLN 4,000 was awarded to Radka Pavelkova and Bohumil Horak for the BATOH project - an engineered method of obtaining energy from human movement.
The Arting Award in the Environment category in the amount of PLN 4,000, funded by the Mayor of Czechowice-Dziedzice, was awarded to Aleksander Litwiński, Antoni Michalak and Anna Nana Piękniś for the WELL project - a functional water filter for third world countries.
The Arting Award in the Education category in the amount of PLN 4,000, funded by Euroregion Beskidy, was awarded to Aleksandra Rutkowska for the VISTLA project - dealing with the topic of a responsible approach to Vistula tourism.
The Arting distinction in the amount of PLN 1,000 was awarded to: Anna Krowińska (LAMPION), Agnieszka Plusszczewicz (BALONDOM), Aleksandra Rutkowska (AERIS AQAPONICS), Agata Śmieszko (ZALEW), Kinga Kostka (Z BIELSKA+BIAŁEJ), Agnieszka Zygmunt (SWAWOLE).
Honorary Laurel Arting titles were awarded to: Mikołaj Nicer, Grzegorz Szczupał (ALTERN), Jakub Gielata, Jakub Kojder (SMART CITY), Karolina Filcek (FOOTWEAR), Team of students of the University of Arts in Poznań (UPCYKLING), Dorota Gondka (BERRY), Sonia Kalandyk, Anna Pielesz (.MOD), Agata Łobaczuk (WATER IN THE CITY), Wioletta Mikołajczyk (GROWING WITH A CHILD), Adrianna Paskiewicz (ORBIO), Barbara Stelmachowska (VEGAN, RECYCLED HANDMADE), Szymon Karpowicz (BIKE), Joanna Muszyńska, Mateusz Walczak (WAVE ), Tomasz Ferczykowski, Michał Kozłowski (EDGER)
The jury would like to thank all the authors of the submitted projects for their work and help in building awareness of responsible design.
Projects submitted to the social průmyslových vzorů Projekt Arting 2017 "Rovnováha" hodnotila porota, která společně zasedla dne 16. února 2018 v Design Bank v Bielsko-Biała.
Porotu tvořili: Doc.Ing. Bohumil Horák, Ph.D. – VŠB-TU Ostrava, Ph.D. Andrzej Sobaś – Faculty of Design of the Academy of Fine Arts [AVU] Katowice, Ph.D. Marek Liskiewicz – Faculties of průmyslových forumem ASP [AVU] Kraków, Krzysztof Gieleciak – Městský úřad Bielsko-Biała, Jacek Graś – FLID Bielsko-Biała.
At the same time, there were several projects in the field of industrial design, which were related to the development of energy and energy. Cílem soutěže was a positive development in the field of design and in the development of social and economic development and in the development of innovations in the field of design and the promotion of the concept of energy as well as social well-being and management. í s energy. Ve svém hodnocení porota zohlednila kritéria under the soutěžního řádu: (1) innovation a originalita, (2) optimální propojení funcnosti, ergonomic, estetických and ecological hodnot, (3) optimalizace spotřeby energie a materiálů během v ýroby a provozu product and also the possibility of recycling it využití, (4) presenting form, její brightness and ucelenost.
Porota vyhodnotila 62 projects sent to the bottom as much as possible, that they were at the highest level. There was a general price, price for different categories: technologies, health and safety, and so on.
Hlavní cenu Arting ve výši 10,000 PLN financovanou starostou města Bielsko-Biała Jacek Krywultem obdržel Patryk Kurczab for the WALLTEK project – inovativní zařízení pro stavby s použitím 3D technologies.
Cenu Arting in the technology category in the category of technologies in which PLN 4,000 was awarded to Radka Pavelková and Bohumil Horák for the BATOH project, which was developed in cooperation with člověka.
Cenu Arting in the životní prostředí ve výši category PLN 4,000 financed by Aleksander Litwiński, Antoni Michalak and Anna Nana Piękniś for the project STUDNA - funkční filter na vodu pro země třetího světa.
Cenu Arting in the vzdělávání ve výši category PLN 4,000 financed by the Beskydy Euroregion Aleksandra Rutkowska for the VISTLA project, which is related to the transport of traffic along the Vistula river.
Čestné uznání Arting ve výši 1000 PLN awarded to: Anna Krowińska (LAMPION), Agnieszka Plusszczewicz (BALONDOM), Aleksandra Rutkowska (AERIS AQAPONICS), Agata Śmieszko (ZALEW), Kinga Kostka (Z BIELSKA+BIAŁEJ), Agnieszka Zygmunt (SWAWOLE).
Čestné vyznamenání Vavřín Arting obdrželi: Mikołaj Nicer, Grzegorz Szczupał (ALTERN), Jakub Gielata, Jakub Kojder (SMART CITY), Karolina Filcek (FOOTWEAR), Team of students of the University of Poznań (UPCYKLING), Dorota Gondka (BERRY), Sonia Kalandyk, Anna Pielesz (.MOD), Agata Łobaczuk (WATER IN THE CITY), Wioletta Mikołajczyk (GROWING WITH A CHILD), Adrianna Paskiewicz (ORBIO), Barbara Stelmachowska (VEGAN, RECYCLED HANDMADE), Szymon Karpowicz (BIKE), Joanna Muszyńska, Mateusz Walczak (WAVE ), Tomasz Ferczykowski, Michał Kozłowski (EDGER).
Porota is grateful to the authors of the submitted projects for their work and assistance in the construction and management of the design.