Regulations of the arting 2022 project "city?"

*ATTENTION! The application deadline has been extended to July 17, 2022.

Arting 2022 project "City?" industrial design competition

§ 1. Rules of the Competition

1. The subject of the competition are projects in the field of industrial design indicating solutions that improve the well-being of humans and their environment in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and energy conservation. Projects should answer questions about broadly understood urban issues.

2. Projects can be submitted in four categories:

Bielsko-Biała designs of objects and processes consistent with sustainable development.

Technology – objects and processes consistent with sustainable development.

Environment – ​​projects related to environmental protection and raising environmental awareness.

Challenges - design solutions to specific topics submitted by companies or institutions of the Bielsko-Biała region (topics will be posted on the competition website).

3. Projects in the concept and implementation phase as well as already completed projects may be submitted to the competition, but the number of works submitted by one participant or group is unlimited.

4. Competition works together with attachments should be submitted to the headquarters of the People-Innowacje-Design Foundation in person or by post or courier with return receipt requested. Address: People-Innowacje-Design Foundation, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała, ul. Gazownicza 9.

§ 2. Objectives of the competition

1. Building awareness of the role of industrial design in sustainable development by creating innovative design projects.

2. Promoting the concept of energy as a common good and the principles of its management.

3. Creating relationships between entrepreneurs and design designers for better innovation and modernization of the region.

§ 3 . Organization

1. The patron of the competition is the Mayor of Bielsko-Biała and the Bielsko-Biała City Hall.

2. The competition partners are universities educating industrial design designers.

3. The organizer of the competition is the People-Innowacje-Design Foundation based in Bielsko-Biała,
street Gazownicza 9, hereinafter referred to as the Organizer.

4. A database of information about the competition will be created on the competition website.

§ 4. Competition participants

1. Students and graduates of the faculties of industrial design, architecture, technical universities, industrial designers, architects, engineers and design teams can participate in the competition.

2. The organizers, jurors and members of their families cannot participate in the competition.

3. Persons participating in the competition consent to placing their personal data in the Foundation's database and to their processing for the purposes of the competition, in accordance with the Act of August 29, 1997 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws No. 133, item 833). .

§ 5. Conditions of participation

1. Application form with consent to data processing constituting Annex 1.

2. Design documentation in digital form containing:

– a board in B1 format, horizontal layout, 300 DPI resolution, in editable PDF format,

– a board in A3 format with a horizontal layout with a resolution of 300 DPI in editable PDF format, which is a reduced version of the B1 board,

– project description with a maximum length of 400 characters,

– materials necessary to prepare further presentation of the project in printed materials
and multimedia, e.g. drawings, photos, visualizations,

– photo of the author or authors of the project for the exhibition catalogue.

3. Declaration that the participant has ownership rights and copyrights to the competition work, constituting Annex No. 2.

§ 6 . Awards

1. The competition has a prize pool of PLN 30,000. Main prize: PLN 10,000.

2. The organizer reserves the right to award additional unforeseen prizes
in the Regulations and to other changes resulting from the Jury's decision.

3. Pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Act, income obtained from the prize is subject to taxation. The payer of the tax is the sponsor of the prize. The founder has the right to deduct an amount corresponding to the amount of tax from the above-mentioned prize, to which the Competition Participant irrevocably authorizes the founder of the prize.

4. The prize will be paid to the bank account indicated by the participant.

5. If the winning competition entry was submitted by several people, they are entitled to one prize together. In such a case, the prize will be paid to one bank account indicated in writing by all participants who submitted their work.

6. The Participant is not entitled to a prize if it turns out that his/her declarations and obligations contained in the Annexes to the Regulations were false, ineffective or illegal.

§ 7 . Deadlines

1. Design documentation with attachments should be submitted to the Organizer's office by July 17, 2022.

2. The competition results will be announced during the awards ceremony at the post-competition exhibition in October 2022. The exact date and place will be posted on the competition website.

§ 8. Jury

1. The competition jury is appointed by the Organizer and consists of 5 people.

2. The jury consists of experts, design designers, representatives of universities that are competition partners, a representative of the Mayor of Bielsko-Biała and a representative of the Organizer. The full jury composition will be announced on the competition website.

§ 9. Project evaluation criteria

1. Innovation, originality.

2. Optimal combination of functionality, ergonomic, aesthetic and ecological values.

3. Optimization of energy and material consumption in the production and operation phase of the product and the possibility of recycling it after use.

4. The form of presentation, its transparency and consistency.

§ 10. Use of projects

1. The organizers reserve the right to use all submitted projects for the purpose of popularizing the competition and designers participating in the competition through publishing houses, press, electronic media and other media, including any post-competition exhibitions, without paying royalties.

2. It is planned to publish a competition catalog presenting projects, both submitted to the competition and selected by the jury.

3. The organizer is not obliged to return the competition entries to the participants. After the end of the competition, the participant may collect the competition entry from the place to which it was sent, at his or her own expense, by December 9, 2022. After this date, the organizer is not obliged to store the competition entry.

§ 11. Copyright and legal protection

1. Participants are obliged to legally protect the project, which means that the authors will enforce their rights themselves if they are violated, based on the relevant provisions of Copyright Law.

2. Copyright and proprietary rights remain the property of the creators, unless a separate agreement with the manufacturer is provided for. The organizers are not responsible for the performance of these contracts.

§ 12. Final provisions

1. All disputes and claims related to the Competition will be resolved by the common court competent for the registered office of the Organizer.

2. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, generally applicable provisions of law shall apply.

3. The content of these Regulations and attachments can be downloaded on the Organizer's website and will also be made available to all interested parties at the Organizer's office.

4. The competition is not a game of chance, a raffle, a mutual bet or a promotional lottery, the result of which depends on chance within the meaning of Art. 2 of the Act of July 29, 1992 on games and betting (Journal of Laws No. 68, item 341, as amended).

5. The Regulations enter into force on the day of announcement.

6. The Organizer may make changes to the Regulations if the need to make them arose after their development. The changes come into force and are binding on the competition participants and the organizer from the moment they are published on the organizer's website.

Registration 2022