The idea of ​​​​the "Place where we live" campaign

The Place We Live Arting Project 2015

A world of imbalance.
Our world is in danger because the balance between the planet and the civilization of the people inhabiting it has been disturbed. A global economy focused on continuous growth and consumption causes the depletion of raw materials, environmental pollution, disruption of the planet's ecosystem, as well as economic inequalities and social conflicts. This information is publicly available, but we ignore it.

Product life cycle.
We produce too many products using raw materials and energy, we transport them around the world to retail chains from where they reach our homes, only to turn into mountains of waste after a short use. It's a one-way cycle - we turn valuable raw materials into unnecessary waste.

Can we change something?
Changing the wasteful system will be difficult because it brings great profits to a small group of producers. We cannot change the world but we can change ourselves. Then the world will change. We can change our awareness and behavior.

Sustainable development.
There is a model of civilization that the governments of many countries are working on. It is called sustainable development and involves striving for a balance of three elements (3 x P): People - Profit - Planet. The definition was created a long time ago but is still valid: "At the current level of civilization, sustainable development is possible, i.e. development in which the needs of the present generation can be met without compromising the opportunities of future generations to meet them."

Sustainable life cycle.
In sustainable development, the product life cycle is a closed cycle. Only the necessary products are produced, the raw materials used are recovered and the energy comes from renewable sources. Waste is recycled so as not to harm the environment.

Sustainable design.
The design of products and services should be consistent with the principles of economic, social and ecological sustainability.
The intention of sustainable design is durability and longevity of products, use of renewable raw materials, recyclability, energy efficiency, pro-social thinking, and ecology.

The place where we live.
Awareness of "the place we live in" is the first step to change. We are all designers of this place, regardless of age, profession or nationality. We have freedom of choice, including how we will behave at various stages of the product life cycle and what our impact on the environment will be.
The People-Innowacje-Design Foundation organized the Project Arting 2015 campaign "The place we live in" in order to stimulate thinking about human-planet relations through the presentation of designers and their projects that are examples of sustainable design.

Arting Project 2015
The action was initiated by the Industrial Design Competition Projekt Arting 2015 "The Place We Live In", the topic of which was sustainable design. 64 projects were submitted to the competition
of which the jury awarded 9 and selected 25 to be shown in a series of exhibitions and accompanying seminars. All works can also be seen at the online exhibition, along with articles on sustainable design and educational materials, at: .

30/12/2015 / Results of the Arting Project 2015 competition

The jury selected the following projects:

1st prize in the amount of PLN 6,000, funded by the Mayor of Bielsko-Białaza, the Energometr project by Adam Buczek and Maciej Nowicki, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

2nd prize in the amount of PLN 4,000, funded by the "Region Beskidy" Association for the Control project by Konrad Szmit, Kielce University of Technology

3rd prize in the amount of PLN 2,000, jointly funded by the Beskid Federation Council
Scientific and Technical Associations NOT and the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians, Branch in Bielsko-Biała
for the Coat Wall project by Juli Owczaczak, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

The jury also decided to distinguish 3 projects:

distinction in the amount of PLN 1,000, funded by the Skoffza company, Nomad project by Nina Woroniecka, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

distinction in the amount of PLN 1,000, funded by the Association of Polish Electricians, Bielsko-Biała Branch
for the Everydrop project by Karol Murlak

distinction in the amount of PLN 1,000 funded by the People-Innowacje-Design Foundation
and the Nurn project by Joanna Jurga, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

Additionally, the Jury together with the People-Innowacje-Design Foundation awarded a special Laurel arting distinction to 19 projects that qualified at the post-competition exhibition:
Koziel – mountain downhill scooter by Wojciech Biegus,
Set of Dió bicycle baskets by Sebastian Chojkowski,
We are building a house for Janek Dowgiałło, Weronika Siwiec and Anka Zawadzka,
Re-catcher-rain and energy catcher by Magdalena Filipiak and Iwona Zielińska,
Smile by Agata Hoffa, Radosław Rejsel and Joanna Żaboklicka,
Biodegradable material from Dominika Lizurej's organic waste ,
Airplane concept in 2030 by Valentin Luzan,
I HAVE Airbag by Anna Łyszcz, Magdalena Rychard and Maja Szczypek,
Qbik by Magdalena Paleczna,
Vacuum cleaner for a carpenter with a briquetting press by Arkadiusz Mayer-Gawron,
AIRFLY by Natalia Mroszczyk,
Water mind by Iga Paszek and Anna Tomik,
Autonomous public transport system by Anna Piękoś and Łukasz Pisarek,
Lightapp by Martyna Puchała,
Take Me With You by Anna Samek,
Kitchen Zero by Barbara Stelmachowska,
Happy eggs Maja Szczypek,
Orange Lab Dominiki Wysogląd
Floroform of Magdalena Zadara